So sánh tiêu chuẩn các phương thức đánh giá nồng độ khí thải.
Định nghĩa:
CARB-P1: - California Air Resources Board Phase 1 emission standard (Allow sell-through date for PB & MDF is unitil Dec 31, 2011)
CARB-P2: - California Air Resources Board Phase 2 emission standard (Enforcement date for PB & MDF is Jan 01, 2012)
ANSI A208.1 & 2 : - North America voluntary standards ANSI A208.1-2009 Particleboard & ANSI A208.2-2009 MDF (include most of industrial particle boards and MDF)
E2: - European E2 emission standard (Most import products from Asia are E2 or worse)
E1: - European E1 emission standard
E0: - European E0 emission standard
SE0: - European Super E0 emission standard
F**: - Japanese F-Star2 emission standard
F***: - Japanese F-Star3 emission standard
F****: - Japanese F-Star4 emission standard
JIS: - Japanese Industrial Standard
HWPW: - Hardwood / Plywood
PW: - Industrial plywood
PB: - Particleboard
MDF: - Medium density fiberboard
ppm: - Parts per million
- (CARB) California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board
- (EOTA) European Organisation for Technical Approvals
- (INIVE) International Network for Information on Ventilation and Energy (a registered European Economic Interest Grouping)
- (CPA) Composite Panel Association (a North American composite panel industry association)
- General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
- Panolam Industries (a melamine panel manufacturer)
- Fraunhofer-Institute for Wood Research
- Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia
- Franklin Adhesives & Polymers
- Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of the Federal Republic of Germany
- Oregon Wood Innovation Center
- Building Research Institute, Poland
- Athanassiadou, Tsiantzi and Markessini paper on Producing Panels with Formaldehyde Emission at Wood Levels
Nguồn: //
- Phân biệt HDF và MDF lõi xanh (MDF HMR) (16.08.2016)
- Quy trình sản xuất MDF (21.07.2016)